Running a local MongoDB with npm scripts for dev work
26 Feb 2016Below are two very simple npm scripts to run a local MongoDb instance for development work. There are two scripts that will work for Windows (x64) environments and mac OS X environments.
1) First install MongoDb
- For OS X I prefer
brew install mongodb
- On Windows x64 install the official MSI
- You may want to add to the path to your environment variable:
set PATH=%PATH%;C:/Program Files/MongoDB/Server/3.2/bin/
2) Add the following to your packages.json
file under scripts
"mongo-mac": "mkdir mongo-db; mongod --dbpath mongo-db",
"mongo-win": "md mongo-db & \"C:/Program Files/MongoDb/Server/3.2/bin/mongod.exe\" --dbpath mongo-db"
3) Now windows users can easily run with npm run mongo-win
and OS X users can use npm run mongo-mac
- Your mongod.exe path may be slightly different.
- The script assumes your database files will go in project folder
. I added it to.gitignore.
- You must keep your console open to run the db instance. I prefer this to always running the service so I can easily close everything when done.